
学术咨询服务协助和支持学生探索学术目标, 大学要求, and progress toward degree completion. Services and resources offered to students, faculty, and staff include:

  • 学术顾问 Resource Guides
  • 学术咨询
  • 顾问会议准备
  • 更改专业建议
  • 一对一顾问培训
  • Professional Development for Academic Advisors
  • Undecided Major 学术顾问

请查看此网页上提供的资源,以获得有关DSU学术建议的最常见问题的答案. 如果您有任何问题没有在这里回答,请不要犹豫与我们联系!


Already have a major, but thinking about changing to undecided? Before you decide, schedule a meeting with 学术谘询服务. 我们可以帮助您:

  • 决定选择哪个专业.
  • 探索不同的专业.
  • Answer general advisement questions.
  • Understand how your coursework fits into your new major.
  • Start the Change of Major process.
  • Rearrange your academic plan to fit your intended major.

在换专业之前和导师谈谈,这会帮助你做出更明智的学术决定,通过探索你的选择,了解换专业对你的学术影响. 更改专业建议 can help you navigate between majors, compare majors and program requirements, and prepare you for departmental advising appointments.



如果你想宣布或改变你的专业,先和你现在的导师谈谈. 如果你还没有决定,你将与贝利211的学术咨询服务协调员一起工作. 如果你有专业,你将和你所在部门的指导老师一起工作. 你的学术顾问会在职业探索的各个方面帮助你,包括换专业.

Advising 资源 for 教师

Searching for tips and 建议 to effectively advise your students? 的 学术顾问 Resource Guide is a one-stop online resource for faculty that includes tips, 建议, 常见问题, and links to advising resources. Please use the sections of this Guide, along with the resources provided here, to help develop and streamline your academic advising process.

学术顾问 Resource Guide
学术顾问 At-A-Glance


DSU学术顾问可以使用许多在线工具来协助咨询过程. All systems can be accessed by going to pnf.wolaipei.com/portal.

  • 阿哥斯—Use to access data reports related to advisee information, 包括顾问名单, 备用针, 期中考试的成绩, 学生日程安排, 和更多的. Access reports by following the instructions below.
  • 横幅—Use to locate all general student information, 包括目前的GPA, 学术地位, 高中GPA, ACT分数, 以前修过的课程, 和更多的. See below for a list of 横幅 codes commonly used by academic advisors.
  • DSU在线服务—Use to access registration information, 包括备用引脚, 课程的可用性, 学生日程安排, 成绩单, 和更多的. 参见第3节.4.A的 学术顾问 Resource Guide 获取获取备用pin码和注册课程的分步说明.
    • For access information or general questions, contact OIT at 662-846-4760.
  • 前景-用作与顾问沟通的主要联系人,并访问Microsoft Office 365的功能. 电子邮件可以通过myDSU或使用微软前景桌面应用程序在线访问.
    • For access information or general questions, contact OIT at 662-846-4760.
  • DSU在乎—Use to alert the appropriate offices and confidentially address academic, 行为, 健康, 或者安全问题. DSU C.A.R.E.S. 网页旨在帮助个人选择合适的转诊系统, depending upon the situation.
    • For emergencies, contact 大学警察 immediately at 662-846-4155.
    • For more information about supporting students with academic concerns, contact SOS 早期预警 at 662-846-4897.
    • For more information about supporting students with 行为, 健康, 或者安全问题, contact the Office of 学生事务 at 662-846-4150.

Academic Advisor Training and Professional Development

在整个学年,学术咨询服务与格特鲁德C合作. 福特教学中心(FCTL)为DSU学术顾问提供一系列培训和专业发展机会. Workshops cover a broad range of academic advising topics, such as general advising strategies, 使用学术地图, and working with at-risk students. To see upcoming events, please see the FCTL网页.

新!学术咨询资源 Canvas shell是一个一站式的顾问培训和专业发展门户网站,为新的和有经验的学术顾问. 在线培训和专业发展是面对面研讨会的方便选择. 这个Canvas shell包含一个直接链接到学术咨询资源指南, as well as tips and forms for remote advising, a new advisor training module, 以及其他建议话题. New modules are added each semester. To be added to the shell, email dpoole@wolaipei.com, or click the “Advising” icon in the 学院资源门户 在画布上.


DSU在校生有机会为即将到来的学期提前注册, typically the first weeks in April/November. During this one week 预注册 period, students are able to meet with their advisors to register for classes. 而一些顾问选择在预注册开始前一周与学生见面进行课程指导, others prefer to meet the week of 预注册. Make sure you know your advisor’s preference, and schedule accordingly. Regardless of when the registration advising session is held, 您必须在您的班级/小组在预注册周有资格注册的当天注册:

  • 周一: 研究生 学生, Seniors, Honor 学生, Student-Athletes
  • 周二: 初中
  • 周三: 二年级的学生
  • 周四: 新生
  • 星期五: 所有的学生


每个学期,校园范围内的预注册宣传活动都旨在吸引校园内的学生 橙色 so everyone is aware that it is 预注册 week. 的se promotions include the use of 橙色 yard signs, 横幅, 传单, 电子邮件提醒, 还有一个抽奖活动,预先注册的学生可以提交完整的时间表,有机会赢得奖品. 促销活动开始后,主动联系你的顾问预约. 在与你的导师会面之前,请考虑完成下面的预建议工作表.

Advising 资源 for 学生

所有的学生都被分配了一个学术顾问,他可以在你的课程选择和职业规划方面非常有帮助. 如果你还没有决定, you are assigned to the 协调员 of 学术谘询服务, located in the 学生成功中心, 贝利大厅2楼. 如果你有专业,你会被分配给你所在部门的指导老师. 要了解您的指导老师是谁,请致电662-846-4577致电学术咨询服务或联系您的学生 学术系主任.

而你的顾问则负责帮助你了解学位要求和学业进展的其他方面, 你掌握着主动权. 这意味着理解和完成学位和毕业要求的最终责任在于你, 不是你的导师. 你的导师会帮助你计划课程安排,并给你建议,帮助你及时毕业, but it is important that you take the time to track your own degree progress.

有很多资源可以帮助你跟踪你的学位进度,包括 学术地图本科目录. 学术地图的结构, 每个学期的时间表,显示了在整个学术课程中每门课程的学习时间,可以在你决定上哪门课的时候使用. 本科目录包含有关学位要求的更详细信息, 的必备条件, 和更多的. For a list of these and other useful resources, see the menu below.



Unsure of what major you want to pursue and courses to take? 没有问题! We are here to assist you with course scheduling and advisement, giving you time to explore and find the degree that best suits you. 无论你的专业是什么,DSU都要求你学习一定的基础课程(通识教育). 未决定的学术建议可以让你在探索你的选择的同时完成这些要求.

学术咨询服务协调员作为未决定专业的学术顾问,协助学生选择专业. 作为一个犹豫不决的学生, 你需要尽早参与和积极探索你的专业,并利用机会,这将有助于你选择一个专业. This includes attending career fairs, speaking with department faculty, and meeting with your advisor. By the end of your freshman year, you are expected to declare a major. 有关顾问会议和其他未决定学生的期望的更多信息, please contact Mary Claire Rackley, 协调员 of 学术谘询服务, at mrackley@wolaipei.com,或致电662-846-4577).


To learn more about all the majors that DSU offers 和ir requirements, check out our 学术地图 and 学术途径:


学术地图的结构, 每学期的课程安排,表明在整个学术课程中,每门课程应该在什么时候上. 当您决定选择哪些课程时,可以使用Map.





类似于学术地图, 学术途径是一门为期三个学期的课程,侧重于一组专业的普通通识教育课程. All undecided students are required to select an academic pathway, 在选择专业之前,哪些课程可以让你在选择多个学位领域的课程时保持在正确的轨道上.


Bailey 216B; DSU Box 3204
P: 662.846.4897

S.O.S. (Stay Okra Strong) 早期预警 system helps identify and assist at-risk students through organized outreach.