Student Organizations

Delta State University has over 50 registered Student Organizations; there is something for everyone here at DSU! Student Organizations cover a wide range of topics and interest areas, including but not limited to: academic, political, racial/ethnic, religious, social fraternities and sororities, sports and leisure, and honor societies.

学生生活办公室通过每年的注册程序与大学一起认可这些组织, starting August 1st. Once registered, organizations can plan and sponsor activities on campus, apply for funding, and participate in events. Learn more about the organizations by clicking an organizations’ link below.

Review the Student Organization Handbook (003) for guidelines or start your own!
Download the Robert’s Rules of Order – Cheat Sheet to help guide your meetings.
Complete the Campus Reservations form to host your event.
Contact the Union & Student Programming Manager to update your organization information.

List of Student Organizations


Active Minds- Active Minds是为了提高学生的意识而设立的, faculty, and staff about the following:
Issues surrounding mental health. Symptoms related to mental health disorders. Mental health resources that are available both on campus and in the surrounding community. 减少围绕心理健康障碍的污名,使学生能够更自在地公开讨论与心理健康有关的问题,并在需要时寻求帮助. 支持同伴找到他们需要的技能和资源,增加健康的应对技巧,促进个人健康
*Active Minds does not provide counseling or any form of clinical mental health care, and an Active Minds chapter is therefore not, nor will ever form, a peer counseling or support group.

Instagram: @activemindsdsu  Advisor:

African American Student Council -这个组织的目的是提供一个氛围,使学生能够参与社会活动,以增加他们对社区的了解 & its culture. KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载非裔美国学生委员会的使命是为DSU的少数族裔学生提供一个组织,其推动力是提高黑人文化意识和促进社会凝聚力.


Campus Activities Board – The purpose of this organization is to provide campus entertainment & opportunities for student involvement in programming.


Delta Diplomats -一组经过挑选的学生招聘人员,他们协助学校招募未来的学生,并担任大学新生入学指导的领导者.

Instagram: @dsudiplomats Advisor:

Delta StatementThe Delta Statement is a student-run and student-edited newspaper at Delta State University. 它通过报道涉及校园和周边社区的新闻来为学生读者服务. Previously The Delta Statement 在秋季和春季学期每周四出版,并免费分发, campus wide. Now, you can access The Delta Statement right from your smartphone – visit to view it online!

Instagram: @thedeltastatement  Advisor:

Diamond Girls – Diamond Girls are an integral part of the Delta State University Baseball team. This group of young women assist with gate commissions, retrieve foul balls, return bats for both home and visiting teams, supply umpires with baseballs, and assist in numerous other tasks that help the home games run smoothly. 女孩们也会从棒球队中被指派一个“击球伙伴”,并在整个赛季中以礼物和鼓励来支持她们的伙伴.

Instagram: @dsudiamondgirls  Advisor: Scottie Batts

Delta State Gamers Club (DSGC) – The DSGC is a free, come-as-you-are organization that accepts all gamers. We accept Students, Faculty, Alumni, and Family into our group, and proudly represent all forms of gaming, including video games, board and card games, and tabletop RPGs. 我们努力为任何寻找归属感和放松的人创造一个温馨的空间. 那些不太喜欢玩游戏的人也可以在和朋友出去玩的时候观察和放松.


Delta State Pride Alliance-三角洲州骄傲联盟的目的是为LGBTQ+社区及其盟友的所有学生提供一个安全和可接受的环境. 这一努力的重点是打破社会障碍,促进与LGBTQ+群体相关的社会进步.


Delta State University Precision Flight Team – The purpose of this organization is to help promote fellowship & friendship among Delta State University students, faculty & staff involved in Aviation & to provide fund raising & social events.


DSU Art Club– DSU Art Club will be focused around the creation of Animations, as well as the different processes that go into that creation. 我们将从艺术的角度对电视和电影的不同类型的动画进行评论和观看, and hosting/participating in art challenges such as character design challenges, and themed Animation challenges.  We also host weekly live figure drawing sessions on Fridays, as well as movie nights and animation nights where we watch animated shows, make fan art, and critique episodes.


DSU Tea Club -KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载茶会是一个社交俱乐部,旨在为会员提供一个安全、放松的社区. They do weekly meetings, fundraisers for charity, and activities throughout the year.


Fashion Board -KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载时尚委员会的成立是为了给时尚爱好者和对时尚和娱乐产业感兴趣的学生带来一种社区意识. We offer opportunities in modeling, hair and makeup, styling, graphic design, videography, and photography. DSU Fashion Board is open to students of all majors and we participate in fashion shows, special events, trips, and seminars. Tryouts for new members are held annually.

Instagram: @DSUFashionBoard  Advisor:

International Student Association – An organization dedicated to strengthening international relations through cultural, social, educational & professional activities.

Instagram: @dsuinternationalassociation or @thefightingokragoesglobal Advisor:

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)-全国有色人种协进会的愿景是确保建立一个人人享有平等权利、没有种族仇恨或种族歧视的社会.

Branch Director Symone Kimble-

National Society Of Leadership & Success-我们的指导问题是:“我们是否以最好的方式帮助了最多的人??” For more than 20 years, 我们已经建立并发展了一个强大的社区,由目标导向的领导者组成,在全国范围内做出积极的改变, working together to build a better world for all.


Pageant Board – The purpose of this organization is to plan & produce the Delta State University Most Beautiful Pageant & the Miss Delta State University Competition.

Instagram: @MissDeltaStateUniversityMS Advisor

Student Alumni Association-学生校友会的目的是在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载校友会的帮助下,通过交流机会和教育经验,向在校学生介绍校友会. All activities of this organization must be directed toward this purpose.

Instagram: @dsu_saa Advisor:

Students for Life @ DSU-我们在Students for Life@DSU的主要目的是倡导人类生命肯定倡议. This organization works to give a voice to those whose lives are threatened. Whether by induced abortion, euthanasia, or the destruction of human embryos for research, we value all human life from conception until natural death. In furtherance of these goals, Students for Life@DSU seeks to educate its members, community, and partners about the value of life. 我们通过活动策划来做到这一点,并在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载校园和当地的各个阶段促进对人类生命的尊重, state, and national levels.


Student Government Association– The Student Government Association, commonly referred to as “SGA,” serves to promote unity and welfare of the entire student body, provide a high standard of responsibility in the interests of our student life, and to ensure goodwill among students, faculty, staff, and administration. 所有在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载注册的学生都自动成为学生会协会的成员. The association functions through three branches: executive, judicial, and legislative. Its purpose is to deal effectively with all matters of student affairs, 组织学生团体,使其为改善大学而共同努力, and to uphold the best traditions at Delta State.

Instagram @deltastatesga Advisor:


Interfraternity Council (IFC)是DSU兄弟会的校园管理机构,隶属于全国兄弟会理事会.

  • Kappa Alpha
  • Kappa Sigma
  • Pi Kappa Alpha
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon

College Panhellenic Council (CPH) is composed of Greek women interested in strengthening the bonds among the sororities. 其目的是维持大学内高水准的姐妹会生活和兄弟会关系, to further intellectual accomplishment and sound scholarship, 并配合学院管理部门维护较高的社会标准.

  • Delta Delta Delta
  • Kappa Delta
  • Phi Mu

National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. (NPHC) is an umbrella organization for seven historically black, international Greek letter Fraternities and Sororities. The council promotes interaction through forums, 会议和其他交流信息的媒介,并通过各种活动和职能参与合作方案拟订和倡议.

Fraternity Chapters

  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Sorority Chapters

  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
  • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Associated Greek Body - AGB的使命是与所有希腊理事会及其成员合作,为所有希腊社会成员探索和参与多元文化意识和教育计划.

Previous DSU social organizations included:

  • Alpha Tau Omega (IFC)
  • Delta Sigma Lambda (Nationally unaffiliated)
  • Phi Kappa Tau (Nationally unaffiliated)
  • Zeta Tau Alpha (NPC)


Accounting Honor Society -KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载会计荣誉协会的存在是为了表彰每年达到严格学术标准的少数会计专业学生, as well as demonstrate excellence in four other areas. Its sole activity is an annual induction ceremony each spring, at which inductees have their names publicly announced, pledge to uphold the integrity of the Accounting profession, receive a membership certificate and honor cords to be worn at commencement, and are celebrated with a buffet reception that follows the ceremony.

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