Collaborative for Rural STEM Education

为MS Delta州立大学K-12教师提供专业发展和“STEM在盒子里”工具包

该项目为密西西比三角洲地区的K-12科学/数学教师提供了一个免费的专业发展和课堂资源包的机会. 专业发展和工具包将根据您的特定学科和年龄范围的学生量身定制. The summer training will provide 2.参与者免费获得4个CEU学分,以及必要时的参加津贴和住宿.

Space is limited, and the deadline to apply is Feb. 2, 2024.

Why should I sign up?

This program is not a one-size-fits-all. We understand that every classroom is unique, 培训是为满足您在日常教学中遇到的特殊需求和挑战而量身定制的, 提供您可以立即实现的实用解决方案. 这种教学专业发展提供了独特的定制融合, practicality, and recognition, 确保你的参与不仅丰富了你的教学生涯,而且对你的学生和课堂也直接有益.

How can I sign up?

You can use the following link to sign up:

然而,申请截止日期是2024年2月2日. 由于名额有限,所以并不是所有的申请者都能被录取. 如果有名额,将会有候补名单. 申请人将在二月份被通知他们是否被录取或被列入候补名单.


Who can participate?

STEM学科的任何K-12教师都可以参加. 赠款是为MS三角洲学校写的,包括以下县:玻利瓦尔, Carroll, Coahoma, DeSoto, Holmes, Humphreys, Issaquena, Leflore, Panola, Quitman, Sharkey, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, Tate, Tunica, Warren, Washington, and Yazoo.


第一届夏季会议将于2024年6月17日至20日举行. 接下来的夏天还将包括一个为期4天的研讨会,但日期尚未确定. 整个学年将有一个星期六的会议为不同的队列. Those dates are also yet to be determined.

What is included in the “STEM in a box” kits?

These are not premade kits; the kits will be developed based on the needs assessment submitted by the participating teachers. 所以,你告诉我们你在课堂上需要什么,我们会努力实现这一目标.

How many CEUs does this training provide?

Each summer session will provide 2.4 CEUs if attended in entirety. ceu将在每个夏季工作坊完成后处理, 从支票付款存入学生商业服务中心之日起,至少要等待三周才能拿到证书.

What does it cost to participate?

The workshop is free! You actually get paid to attend! 每个夏季课程结束后将发放旅行津贴,并在提交酒店收据时发放住宿津贴. 有关详情将会提供给获选的参加者.

Contact Information

P: (662) 846-4891

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Fully funded by the U.S. Department of Education